Monday, 4-11-2011, I reported to Kell West Regional Hospital at 5:30 a.m. to have surgery on my foot. The right foot had been re-constructed last year and a week ago, the foot collapsed. So, the Doc was going in and he was removing all the old hardware (pins, rods & plates) and rebuilding the foot with stronger rods and pins, plates etc. Scroll down and join me on this brief hospital stay and REMEMBER: IF YOU WANT TO SEE THE PICTURE BIGGER, JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE.
Here I am waiting & reading the paper after reporting into admissions. Note the colorful arm bands they give you.. NOTE: MY LONG HAIR & BEARD ARE GONE.. I had a brain fart and let Janice shave me and talk me into getting a haircut,
Still in the holding area. I was flicking thru the channels on the TV
Here is a picture of my foot where you can see that oval area where the foot collapsed, they call it a rocker and it is part of the bones forced down to the bottom of the foot.
This sore on my little toe was caused by my boot rubbing against it after the foot collapsed.
My daughter Amanda comes in to check on me and Janice gives her a hug.
My other daughter Amy stops in and checks on me.
This is Amanda, Janice and Amy
Feeling no pain, at this point, I signal that all is well.
My new foot. I hope this operation works, because if it collapses again, I may be up the creek without a paddle.
Amanda comes over and says goodbye. She will come to the house and check on me tomorrow.
Once home, this is my bed for the next 12 weeks. The living room floor. I had to keep the foot elevated above my heart. This is the last picture of this post.
I want to thank my Doc, Dr. Leaseburg and the numerous nurse that were in the OR, especially Shelly, the Doc's nurse. As I was out when they wheeled me into the O.R., I assume she was there because she is at all of the operations.
Scroll down for more rides, runs and events and don't forget to click on the "OLDER POSTS" at bottom of each page or underneath the last post on the page,
Continue to pray for ALL of our troops both in and out of Harms Way; especially for Che Whitaker, Chris Drage and Fred Hughes, all of whom are serving in the Afghanistan Theatre of Operations and for Pattie Jackson who has been deployed to Qatar..
Until next post, ya'll be careful out there, keep the rubber on the road, keep your head on a swivel, and most importantly of all.............................RIDE SAFE.......................JOHN
:( oh no! i hope that you're having a speedy recovery john!!!